This is the 2011 story; an "article" for our local paper. Enjoy!
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, President Barack Obama declared Sept. 23 National Tina Day, in honor of the legendary blogger who has made millions laugh with her frank and funny quips.
Tina accepted the award in a packed White House dining room, where fans such as the Dalai Lama, Pope Benedict XVI, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Bono cheered her on. Bono, of course, performed afterward in her honor.
Said Tina: “I accept this award on behalf of all fun bloggers everywhere, who pour their heart, soul and mental instabilities into blogs across the world every day.”
President Obama described his personal connection to Tina’s blogs, saying they affected changes in his administration.
“I have learned better to appreciate the sacrifices of veterans, the plight of the working woman and the wonders of the career of Robert Downey, Jr.,” Obama said, with a glistening tear in the corner of his eye.
In a surprise move, Obama presented Tina with a solid gold keyboard, begging her to continue her work of inspiring the world.
“I was shocked and delighted,” Tina said of the gift. “I especially appreciate the diamond-encrusted spacebar.”
No figures were given for how much taxpayers footed for the cost of the keyboard, but Obama said he’s sure no one minds.
After Bono’s set, which immediately followed the presentation, he and Wood danced and twirled around the floor to the musical stylings of Lady Gaga, Rascal Flatts and others who were dying to meet Tina in person.
“I could’ve done without Gaga,” Tina was heard to say, “I felt awkward in her presence without my meat dress.”
Toward the end of the night, a surprise appearance by Robert Downey, Jr., surprised and delighted the crowd, which by then had consumed a few too many cocktails. More raucous dancing ensued, but Tina maintained her cool.
“I had to be level-headed enough to remember those treasured events,” she said. “You know – so I can write a blog about it in the morning. For instance – who knew the Pope likes to dangle from chandeliers?”
Your friend Sheila should go pro. She is an amazing writer with a fantastic sense of humor. Also, she's full of herself.
I agree completely. My friend Sheila is completely awesome. She's so awesome, you hardly notice those extra toes.